In co-production with Le Vivier, this show is presented as part of Sherbrooke’s Festival Petits Bonheurs. SIXTRUM takes young spectators on a voyage of discovery of its archipelago of a thousand
In co-production with Le Vivier, this show is presented as part of Sherbrooke’s Festival Petits Bonheurs.
SIXTRUM takes young spectators on a voyage of discovery of its archipelago of a thousand sounds.
Three percussionists stop off on each of these imaginary islands to introduce music that is both intimate and exuberant, sailing from one to the next on musical themes inspired by water and wind.
Two performances: 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Performance duration: 30 minutes.
5 mai 2024 11 h 00 - 13 h 30(GMT-05:00)
Centre des arts de la scène Jean-Besré
250 Rue du Dépôt, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5E9
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