Season 2021-2022

6 marimbas

The 6 marimbas concert features works by composers from Canada and the United States and offers listeners the opportunity to discover the rich sound of these instruments through works that illustrate a wide variety of playing styles and musical writing.

Several dates are planned for the summer of 2022: Jardins de Métis, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and the OSM’s Montreal tour (Théâtre Jean Duceppe). See all the dates of this program HERE.

July, 23rd & 24th / august 13th 2022

Saguenay, Montreal

Dans ma valise

Theatre & percussion improvisation show

“Dans ma valise” is an improvisation show with actors and percussionists. It takes place in the street, with suitcases of different sizes and colors, each of which contains instruments, props and instructions that launch the improvisers into various themes.

August, 25th / September, 1rst 2022

Quartier des spectacles

Polytope XXI

Tribute to Iannis Xenakis

On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the famous composer, architect and engineer, Sixtrum performs a 2022 version of the monumental piece Polytope.

May, 25th, 2022, 7:30 PM

Salle Claude Champagne


L’Archipel aux mille sons

Tour in Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Despite several cancellations and/or postponements of our concerts, the dates set for our tour in Abitibi are maintained! Our Archipelago will have the opportunity to travel to the northern province thanks to the Festival Petits Bonheurs of Val D’Or and the Petit Théâtre of Rouyn-Noranda.

May, 13th, 14th, 15th, 2022

Senneterre, Rouyn-Noranda and Val D'Or

Brasier – portrait of Linda Bouchard

An invitation from the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ)

This portrait of composer Linda Bouchard takes us on a journey through music that has the rhythm of natural phenomena and whose different layers and influences create a singular soundscape.

May, 1rst. 2022

Salle Pierre Mercure, Centre Pierre Péladeau

55th  birthday of the SMCQ – Yesterday and today…

An invitation from the Société de Musique contemporaine du Québec

Relive the very first concert of the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec! This event, which confirmed Quebec’s entry into the musical modernity, revealed some of our great composers. Works by Boulez, Garant, Klanac, Mather and Schafer.

December 15th, 2021

Salle Pierre Mercure - Centre Pierre Péladeau

Point de fusion / Fusion point

A co-production with the Evergreen Club Contemporary Gamelan

The melting point is that point of equilibrium between two states, liquid and solid, that starting point of all possibilities. Evergreen Club Contemporary Gamelan and Sixtrum, the ensemble resident at the University’s Faculty of Music, join forces for the first time to search for this point of fusion, between Indonesian gamelan instruments and classical percussion instruments, between sounds derived from metal, wood and skins.

November 24th, 27th and 28th, 2021

Salle Claude Champagne (Montréal) / Music Gallery (Toronto)

Les espaces physiques

A coproduction with Le Vivier and l’EUNIC
A collaboration with the  CIRMMT within the framework of the event Résonance Croisée.

Sixtrum invites the Italian composer and mathematician Carmine Emanuele Cella for the creation of his triptych for augmented percussion instruments.

October 7th, 2021

Multimedia room of the Schulich Music School, Université de McGill

In auditorium – A portrait of André Hamel

A performance by the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ)

At the invitation of the SMCQ, Sixtrum participates in this first portrait of a local composer that will immerse you in the repertoire of André Hamel’s spatialized pieces.

September 26th, 2021

Salle Pierre Mercure (Centre Pierre Peladeau) et en webdiffusion

Dans ma valise (”In my suitcase”)

Dans ma valise is an improvisation show with actors and percussionists. It takes place in the street, with suitcases of different sizes and colors, each of which contains instruments, props and instructions that launch the improvisers into various themes.

September 11th, 2021

Musée McCord & Musée des Beaux Arts de Montréal

Consulter le calendrier complet